Monday 27 December 2010

100 Collection Hairstyles and Personality

After some further research into personality traits i stumbled on a website which claimed to reveal some traits with men who have simular or the same hairstyles. I am fairly sceptical about exactly how accurate this information is but never the less its still interesting.

Coiffed or Styled Hair

When a mans hair is carefully cut, blow dried, and hair sprayed, it could indicate that he's into the power image. A man who pays close attention to his hair may also have expensive or trendy clothes, shoes, accessories, and toys. Readying body language in this case isn;t difficult: this man is probably vain and wants to impress others.

Short Hair

Reading body language in this case can be confusing, because short hair on a man can reveal many things about his personality. Very short hair on a man could indicate that he's practical, plays sports, is conservative, is in the military, is recovering from medical treatment, or works for an organization that requires short hair.

Hair Loss

How a man deals with hair loss shows his personality. If he uses extreme comb overs or obvious hairpieces, he may have poor judgement. He simply doesn't realize how he looks to others, and he thinks people won't notice.

information sourced at:

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