Monday, 12 December 2011
Kinetic Type 8
This is a really good example of where they have added a camera within After Effects then hovered it over the type. By just hovering the camera over the top of the type you keep the "3D" looking 3D as when you actually fully orbit around the type you realise that the 3D text is usually as 3 dimensional as a piece of cardboard.
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Kinetic Typography 5
Always been a massive fight club fan, this is the 8 Rules of fight club - kinetic typography.
Friday, 2 December 2011
Kinetic Typography 4
Dark Knight - Kinetic Typography
This is a really simple video which utilises basic but really effective techniques to give a 3-Dimensional feeling within the video. The backdrop remains the same throughout the video. 1 type face is used but different weighting and colours are used to represent the differences in voice and scene. The type kind of builds up within the dialogue to fill the screen and is rotated around to start new sentences and scenes. The camera angles zoom in and out of the text and the text runs at right angles to give the feeling that its going into the back of the screen and to make it look more 3D.
Kinetic Type 3
Shop Vac - Kinetic Type
This is definitely one of the more impressive kinetic type video's i have seen. It uses various relevant backdrops which constantly switches up the scenes. Various typefaces used as well. The camera angle seems to also tilt to produce a more 3D effect on some of the scenes, it zoom's in and out of specific elements of the video to change scenes and to give it a constantly flowing video feeling.
Kinetic Typography 2
The Game Portal - Kinetic Type
One of my favourite games, keeps me amused for hours when i dont have a ton of GD to do and also seems to confuse the hell out of me if im not sober.
The type and illustrations consist of black and one tonal value. One typeface used. The text and image play off the edges of the screen, it also utilises the idea of trying to get the 3D look by pulling the images forward and backward pushing them in and out of focus. The text feels kind of empty against the backdrop a lot mainly because it doesn't introduce the text into the screen with the idea of letting it come in from the edges, this also gives the video a less 3D feeling.
Kinetic Typography
Fight Club Kinetic type. Great Movie.
2 typefaces have been used to represent the voices and a couple of variances of them have been used to show the change in tone.
The type has been given a subtle shadow backdrop which pulls it up form the background a bit and gives it a more 3D look. The camera angles are basic, some of the type break the boundary boxes of the screen to also give it a more 3D feeling and some 45 degree angles shift the type through the dialogue.
Design for Screen
This is a animated trailer for captain america, the camera angles and shots used gives it a really 3D feeling, the camera is constantly moving backward or just pivoting around the focal point and the image is always a little bit out of screen being pulled back into shot, this gives it the 3D effect. Small elements of the images also contains movement which adds to the 3D feeling.
After reading a bit further in how they developed this video i found out that they actually had a 2D, 3D and camera team working on this project. They produced the 3D elements in software called Maya and then produced the animations and textures within Adobe after effects.
There is another 2D film on the link i have added to show what the animation would of looked like if you took out the 3D maya produced elements, It still looks really good but you just dont get that full on 3D feeling.
2D mapping
3D mapping in Maya.
I couldnt post the video on my blog but this link should take you to it
Design for Screen
The Title Design of Saul Bass from Ian Albinson on Vimeo.
This is all title designs from Saul Bass. The first thing i noticed after watching this is the effectiveness and simplicity of his designs. The type he uses always works well in conjunction with the backdrop. He uses a lot of film and photography for the backdrops.
Design for Screen
The use of colour and shape intrigued me from this piece of design, the shapes the titles have been placed on kind of look like their moving forward then backward producing a 3 dimensional shape, this has been achieved by using dark - light colour schemes and changing to a 45 degree angle. Simple and effect design technique for moving image.
Design For Screen
Happy Holidays from DANIELS on Vimeo.
After speaking to lorraine i found out that the software used to construct this type of animation would of been a combination of Final Cut Pro, After Effects and potentially some other software as well. I know that i wont be able to achieve such a type of animation for this module but this is the type of animation i would like to be able to produce.
Monday, 28 November 2011
Artiva Studio
What caught my attension on this project done by Artiva Studio is the style type has been presented in the heading using the negative space around the letters, cutting out parts of the letters but its still fully legible.
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Monday, 21 November 2011
What is Good
j, Nickerson. What you dream project
Image using type but leaving the actual image as the main focal point
Print task 4

nelson associates
This has foil blocking and embossing, the black stock with the gold foiling looks really good, its so simple in layout but the printing process' and the colour schemes work perfect.
nelson associates
This has foil blocking and embossing, the black stock with the gold foiling looks really good, its so simple in layout but the printing process' and the colour schemes work perfect.
What is Good
An example of a possible colour scheme layout i could use to produce a range of books or flyers.
what is good
The big 6 by T, Hansen
Really clever packaging, good colour schemes and subtle use of embossing with the logo onto the black stock.
What is Good
D, Zivadinovic
The use of photography and adding a fill colour over the top of it in photoshop got my attension as this is a good idea to use for my range of posters. The images are the main focal point and the type is kind of places around it.
What is Good
Project for sony
Clever packaging, also im not sure if the artwork is printed on with gloss or a varnish or just printed a grey over the box but its subtle and it looks good.
What is Good

Design by A, Chan
I particularly liked the use of colour across the range of equipment packaged within the same brand. Using a simple colour scheme it has set each piece of packaging apart from each other. The type is also very bold and obvious, produces a good focal point for its audience to know exactly what is in the box. He has also used a acetate front cover which shows whats inside or a clever open faced type packaging for the football.
It would be a good idea to consider such a type of colour range across my packaging to help identify which sport the packaging represented. Showing whats inside the packaging by using a plastic or acetate sheet would show off my frisbee's.
What is Good

Project for nike women
I like the colour scheme used its also designed very minimal. The idea that the top comes off the box to show the content through plastic is really interesting.
What is Good

P, Pavlov
This is a good example of packaging which is open so you can actaully see the product, its really simply laid out and its got information of the product printed on in clever places. Good colour schemes relevant to sport equipment
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